Final Thoughts on the 21 Day Fix Workouts — Aratari At Home
Final Thoughts on the 21 Day Fix Workouts

Final Thoughts on the 21 Day Fix Workouts

Well I am all done with the 21 Day Fix Workouts!!! I am SO proud of myself for sticking with this program in its entirety and not giving up after a few days.  I worked out successfully for 21 days straight.  That may not seem like much for some, but for me, that is amazing!  

Catch up with my start to the workouts HERE and my thoughts during HERE. You can check out the 21 Day Fix Program HERE.

I try to work out about 3-4 times a week, typically, but I wanted a program to keep me on track and to give me some guidance of what to do each day.  I have done all these workouts before, but never the full 21 days.  I have such a sense of accomplishment now!!


I lost about 5 lbs which I consider a success!  I didn't follow the meal plan, if you remember, but I tried to eat as clean as possible.  More importantly, my body feels better!  I have more energy and feel stronger.  


This is a great program for those who are looking to start working out.  It gives you a plan of what to do each day which is great for beginners.  I don't think I would be able to do this every single day because you get used to the workouts and so does your body.  I feel like your mind and body would get 'bored' with the continuous repetition of the workouts.  But for wanting to start out and kick start your body into working out, this is extremely helpful and worth it!  if you already workout regularly and have a routine, this may not be for you as you may not like that the workouts repeat every 7 days.

What's Next:

We got these new DVDs called RIPT90 (HERE) that we are going to start.  I took Memorial Day off, but I am starting these up today!  They seem intense, but I am excited for a new program and to see more results!

So overall, I loved doing the 21 Day Fix workouts and I am very proud of myself for never skipping a day.  I would recommend these workouts if you want to jump start your workout plan and have guidance as to what workouts to do every day.  I love the energy I have now and the way my body feels after finishing the exercises.  

I am excited to start this new program!  What kind of workouts do you do?

Thank you for stopping by the blog!


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Final Thoughts on the 21 Day Fix Workouts
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