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2019 Word of the Year

I wanted a word of the year for 2019 to kind of carry me throughout the year.

You can see what my resolutions are for this year, HERE.

I have never done a word of the year, but thought 2019 would be a good time to start!


That is my 2019 word of the year. I think I need to start giving myself more credit and putting less pressure on myself so I thought this word was perfect for 2019.

All of 2018, I was hustling. Hustling to be better at pretty much everything. In this hustle and bustle, I never gave myself a ton of credit or GRACE. I just wanted to do more, more, and MORE.

This hustle was great and I accomplished so many things that I never thought was possible. This year however, I want to slow down and really enjoy all the hard work that I am doing.

This mainly goes for my blog as I put so much time and work into it and I don’t think I fully stepped back to enjoy all the endless hours of work I put into it.

However, this past year, I also learned I need to give myself more grace in motherhood too. The need to always be on the go with Dominic and doing something ‘fun’ with him can take away from the simple things such as just enjoying building blocks or laughing with him.

Giving myself and others grace for recognizing that we are all doing our best and that is perfectly enough! I want to just slow down and take everything in.

Pushing the pause button a bit, less hurry, and being more present. Those are what I want for this year.

I had never chosen a word for the year, but this year I felt called to choose one and GRACE just kept popping into my head as I thought about what I want for this year.

Each day is a new adventure and challenge and I don’t want to miss any of it. I need to give myself some grace for when I maybe can’t accomplish everything I wanted to in that day because tomorrow is a new day filled with new opportunities.

If you want to come up with a word for yourself and your year, I suggest sitting down and really thinking of what you want to do this year and how you will get there. Write your goals down and the road to get to those goals. Think of the big key words that are going to help you accomplish those goals. What stands out the most to you? What keeps pulling you? What is going to keep you on track and focused?

Some of you shared your word with me. A lot were the same so I combined them all for you here:
- intentional
- worthy
- trust
- walk humbly Micah 6:8
- health (mentally, physically, spiritually, financially)
- discover

GRACE. That is my word for 2019 and I think it will help me accomplish even more than I did last year!

HAPPY 2019!

Thank you for stopping by the blog!